Friday, March 1, 2013

bad mouting friend that i have

semua org pasti ada, sebut pasal kwn ni, mmg susah nk diduga kn?? kwn ada dimana2, dan blh dpt pd bila2 masa..even kita msuk toilet pum blh brknalan n jd kwn..tapi pengalaman saya, bukan semua kwn adalah kwn..kdg2, kwn boleh jd lawan...kbnyakan kawan boleh jadi gunting dalam lipatan, api dalam sekam yg boleh membakar kwnnya sndiri...dalam setiap senyuman seorang kwn tu, x semestinya senyuman yg, korang pasti akan jumpa jg kwn yg mcm ni...apa2 pum dlm hidup ni satu je yg saya pegang..
In life we will meet two kind of friend. the one who build u up (susah la korang nk cari dlm zaman ni kwn jnis ini) and the one who tear u up while smile disebalik kesusahan kita tu
for me, finding a friend is the most hard things to do in this modern world... now, i know my frends just acting good in front of me..I knew beyond a doubt that they had never been a real friend, they were the usual backstabber who were using me, but in reality they never cared or even knew me at all...

i also know that many people outside there listen many bad story about me...I feel horrible, because how could they judge me by a story, they should really know me before trust another people story..they are not my friends, only acquaintances, so I don't think they can possibly know how I really am...I hate having my reputation tarnished just because they were sickly jealous of me, and more than anything I am hurt, because I didn't do anything to deserve all this.

I'm not sure how to even deal with this. I don't want people to think I'm some kind of a monster (she probably tells everybody that I was bad person) but being nonchalant about it may make me look like I'm guilty. but still. I feel weirded out by this situation and don't know how to handle it...

in my opinion, bad mouthing person are relly cruel...but for me,  i want to tell them all, how much I appreciate the free advertising and living in the vacancies of their heads!!! Bad advertising will attract just as much attention as good advertising. Once said, I'd ignore them...i just pray, pray, and pray to ALLAH to grand me patience for me to go through  all the obstacles and problem wih a lot of bad mouthing friends outside sejujurnya, jauh di lubuk hati i relly don't hate all of kwn palsu sy ni...i will never shaa sy nk berterima kash la kat korang semua, sbb dgn adanya korang s dapat pahala percuma...alhamdulillah...KOMAWO...

kdg, sy lawan lagu hijjaz, bila sedih2 sal kwn ni...hati jd tenang n sy dapat kekuatan dr lagu2 ni tuk teruskan hidup...bashaa!!
Kawan apalah yang kau kesalkan
Kerana Tuhan kau kehilangan kawan
Kerana kebenaran dihina
Jangan kau ragu dalam keimanan

Kadang-kadang kawan jadi lawan
Kadang-kadang lawan jadi kawan
Apalah disedihkan hati
Setiap insan di dalam kekurangan

Jangan sedih selalu tersisih
Bukan kau saja ditimpa malang
Ingatlah para Rasul mulia
Lebih terseksa menderita
Mereka bahagia dalam derita
Mereka kaya di dalam papa

Mereka memadai dengan Tuhannya
Itulah kebahagiaan
Di waktu sempit seorang diri
Kawan janganlah disedihkan hatimu

Tetapi mereka merasai ramai
Walaupun keseorangan